Thursday, September 09, 2004

It's Good To Be Queen No More...

Okay, here’s the deal. We changed our domain name (website and URL). When we discovered that it was in our best interests to do so, I sulked:). Let’s face it, making a major change like that means spending more time and money. But, with the mounting evidence out there, it seemed the smartest thing to do.

You see, there is this other Queen out there who had already launched a very similar site: ItsGoodToBeTheQueen. When we started the project, her site was small and appeared very limited. The Queens in charge decided our two paths wouldn’t cross and all would be fine. Well, sometime this summer, the Queen of Lakewood was featured in Ladies Home Journal and (Wow!) her traffic picked up considerably and now she’s talking book. Okay, so now our paths are crossing (according to my attorney).

Also, she (bless her heart) beat us to the punch on obtaining a trademark for her name and since inception date is the real key factor here (again, she was one step ahead of us;), we made the decision to abandon ship!

Oh yes, it was a little painful for me. Letting go of my “baby” wasn’t easy to do. But, let go I did. And, the Queens think we’ve out done ourselves this time. See, forced changed isn’t always a bad thing. Since the Queen of Lakewood is also very queenly, she didn’t “force” us to change, but we, let’s say, saw the writing on the wall. Therefore, we made this WONDERFUL decision on our own.

Anyway, the new name is:

So, what do you think?

P.S. Looks like I’ll be an editor on I’ll let you know when it’s official.
P.P.S. If you are a mother of all boys, check out You might like what you find. Looks fun to us:). But as my daugther would say, "Mom, there's just one problem . . . " We queens have girls too!