You Caught Me Goofing Around...

Queen Me speaks...
Okay, here I am trying to figure out how to move pictures to the blog. And, I impressed myself:). I figured out how to insert a photo in the actual body of the blog. Okay, so the truth here . . . I was actually trying to insert the photo into my profile area. Oh well, I'm one step closer to doing that than I was yesterday!
Anyway, I like the idea of being able to share photos with you and will start doing that when the opportunity presents itself. I'm thinking you must see the photo of the Queens of the Court, my tennis team. Interestingly, prior to my arrival to Oklahoma, the Queen of our tennis group already had her throne. The group called themselves "the Queen's team." Last year, we formed a competitive team and well, selecting the name was a no brainer. You should see our Queens of the Court socks . . . complete with a tiara.
Off to enjoy the rest of my weekend . . . tennis anyone?
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