Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Where Does the Time Go?

Queen Me speaks...

In Invisible Acts of Power : Personal Choices That Create Miracles, Caroline Myss tells us, "Nothing is impossible for you when you have faith—in yourself and in your purpose." Instantly, I thought: "Wow! She's so right."

But, I think back only 12 months ago and I would have had a totally different response. I would have read that and said, "Whatever!"

You see, I think that's part of the problem with so many of us. I would rant and rave at the Universe: "What is my purpose? Help me understand." I didn't know. Didn't have a clue, actually. Continually, I felt as if I was hitting one brick wall after another. I'd pick myself up and walk one way. Ouch! Then, another. Bang. I'd have this great idea and then a few days later think of something even better. I was all over the map and all my inspirations (about purpose) were hollow and empty. I never ended anywhere. For over a decade I ran in circles.

Everytime someone says, 'God, please help me,' the universe hears. The gods (God) may let you practically drown before they respond and send you a boat—because you are in this Earth School to learn how to build a boat and how to row it—but they will respond.
—Caroline Myss

Okay, so that's comforting to know, but while you're mired in the mess of it all, it's hard to recognize that God is helping you. Of course, your being helped, but sometimes it simply doesn't feel that way. The interesting thing is that most of our inability to help ourselves is our own doing. Basically, we get in our own way. Just like the friend who keeps telling me her purpose in life is to help other women lose and maintain weight.

"Hey Allyn," she says when I pick up the phone. "I've found my perfect occupation. I met this man today that sales real estate and he said that I am perfect for the field." I respond by saying, "Hello! What does that have to do with women and weight?" For whatever reason (and I'm a perpetrator too), we can't focus long enough to get results.

If you like thinking in Angel terms, can you imagine the angels frustration when they try to help us? In deep prayer and with sincere meaning we pray, "Dear God (and angels) help me launch my website for women trying to lose weight." Celebrating, the angels start swirling around their magic dust in that direction. A couple of days later, we tell our husband (which just happens to be within hearing range of our angels): "Okay, I finally know what I'm going to do. I'm going to get my real estate license!" The angels scurry around shaking their heads wondering what else they need to do to get our attention. But, they help us anyway. Knowing full well that in less than six months we'll abandon that pipe dream because it simply doesn't suit us. They figure learning about what we don't want might actually help us return to our purpose.

At the end of the six months, sure enough, we are unfulfilled and seek something else. Briefly, we think about what we really want to do, but quickly talk ourselves out of it. I don't have money to launch a website. It's crazy to think that other women would listen to me. I'm too fat to help other women. Yep, just like I thought, the idea is stupid.

Again, we go looking for something safe. Safe, though is not really the safe way to go. You see, if you go down the safe road you take a longer journey to your destination.

So, what's my point. Take the time to discover your purpose. Download my free eBook Catch Your Dream: And, Live It! Or, read someone else's book (like Barbara Sher, Caroline Myss, Marianne Williamson). But, take the time to figure out what you need to be focusing on. Because it's simple. You will not be happy until you do. Really, it's that simple. Once you take this path and daily strive towards something that provides meaning to you, you will wonder what took you so long. For me, even on the supposedly bad days when nothing goes right, all is right in my world because I'm doing what I am here to do. That's it. A joy that previously eluded me, surrounds me and keeps me grounded even when my external world seems crazy.

If nothing else, understand and appreciate that most people find great reward (and meaning) from helping others. If you can't pinpoint exactly what you are supposed to be doing, then start helping others face-to-face. And, here's another Myss quote I couldn't resist: I rarely meet people who want to retire from a meaningful life. Think about it!

I'll leave you with one final statement from Caroline Myss (and, I'm still only in Chapter One!):

I want to help you realize that no matter how much money you have, no matter what sex, race or age you are, you do have power. You can make a difference in your world and in the life of every single person you encounter.