Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Queen Me speaks...

Yep, that’s what happened to me yesterday. It was disgusting. You might be wondering how in the world I got slimed? Well, actually I got “it” from another person. Someone I respected wrote me a nasty e-mail. To protect the innocent, I will not go in to details about it all, but needless to say the “mean” words stung. For about the first thirty minutes, I literally stopped doing anything productive. With the receipt of the e-mail about 24 hours behind me, I’m suddenly a little disappointed in myself. You see, I would hope to be above feeling bad after a good, old fashion sliming. But, obviously, words and opinions still affect me. Ouch! There’s a big chapter about the “good” opinions of others in the book I’m currently writing. But, writing about it doesn’t mean you actually solved your own issues! Darn it.

Okay, I’m going to admit more than I planned here. Immediately following the “hate” e-mail, I wondered what the heck am I’m doing anyway? Why bother? Why keep writing and writing and writing? Why continue to put myself out there and face yet another rejection. Why? Couple the sliming with a few rejection letters and quickly I moved to the “what in the heck am I doing?” place.

Divine timing, though, also played a role yesterday. Should I say here, “Thank God?” About the time I was ready to throw my computer out the window (ha!); I received a most timely e-mail message. Just a little gun shy by then, I was pleased to find my almost regular message from author Caroline Myss (http://www.myss.com/). Of course, she wasn’t writing me personally. Another darn! But, her message was timely, indeed.

Here’s what she said, “For instance, you may be directed to do something others perceive as foolish or useless. But what better way to become separated from the power of the opinion of others than to become the target of their critical commentaries while coping with guidance that only you can perceive? We are afraid to be criticized by others when, in fact, it’s something worth striving for. I mean, look around you. How many people do you see living flawless lives?”

Okay, so I felt better. Hey, it’s a good thing that woman slimed me yesterday. Right? Well, can’t really go that far with it, but now I feel so much better.

So, back to the nasty note and the moral of this little ditty (Okay, so it’s not really a song, but I liked the sound of “ditty”.).

Listening to others share their opinions is one thing, but allowing them to alter your course is another. I can’t tell you why I feel compelled to write, but I know that when I do I am happy. My way of writing and putting my message out there may be very different than someone else’s (so much so that they may feel the need to attack), but that’s okay. I’m listening to my heart, now. And, that’s all that really matters . . . .