Friday, October 01, 2004

Productive, NOT!

Queen Me speaks . . .

So, it’s Friday and very close to whistle blowing time, and I’m wondering what occupied my time all week? Actually, it was called FUN! Because I love what I do (writing, creating), I tend to work for fun. I know. That’s not good. With several opportunities to do something besides work this week, I took full advantage (tennis, party, another party, etc.). And, I still managed to get the Queen-zine out on time and signed up more newcomers to the Crown Me Club than EVER. This having fun thing, though, could seriously get in my way. Ha! And, instead of being rested as I plunge headlong into a weekend, I’m ready to take a nap. Yikes!

Take care and enjoy the next two days. But, most of all have fun.