Sunday, May 22, 2005

More on Friends!

Queen Me shares ...

The topic of friends continues to be a 'hot' thread on our forums. To see what I mean go check out the additional thoughts and ideas that others have added.

And there is more ...

Have you ever had a friendship go sour? Sure you have. We all have. While finishing Grab the Queen Power I started thinking about old friends. Not one to confront, hold a grudge or be insulted, friends usually drift out of my life due to logistical issues—like distance. Another reason former friends and I part ways is change—meaning the “things” that initially brought us together no longer serve one or both of us.

Not too long ago, I found some interesting words written by author, Stuart Wilde. “Don’t suck on people emotionally or intellectually.” More recently in my life, I have become a little more selective about who my friends are. Quite frankly, I’m looking for women that inspire, motivate and energize me. If I find myself in the company of someone that does the opposite, I’m typically out of there, and how! Something else Mr. Wilde said resonated: “When you lean psychologically or emotionally on people or toward them, it’s a sure sign of insecurity. It makes others feel uncomfortable. They resent the weight you are laying on them, and they will react by denying you.”

Okay, admittedly, I have been on both sides of the fence. Now, I tend to be on the far side . . . the one that tucks tail and runs to avoid an energy drain. Here's where I've had trouble in the past. In an effort to not be troublesome or needy, I usually didn't lean enough. And still I resist asking for help. But, I'm learning. I'm also learning to help others without worrying about being sucked into something messy or unwanted. Yep, I risk getting 'sucked' in, but the difference now is that I am comfortable moving on when something is no longer working. And no, I'm not a 'love them and leave them' kind of friend. It's just that I am not willing to hang on till the end if it is at the expense of my well-being. I also finally realize that making a stand like this has nothing to do with being selfish. Whew!

Going back to the forums thread about friendship ... I have been most interested in this thread. I've talked about this before, but, I went through a period of time where I didn't have close friends who lived close to me. Oh, I was able to connect with people at work, but still I yearned for something deeper. Reading a thread like this would have been comforting to me because while experiencing my 'no-friend' times, I thought I was odd or strange. I was alone. Reading this thread tells me that I was not!

And then, reading this thread makes me wish that we understood how to travel by the speed of light--you know, that we could go have lunch with someone in Atlanta even though we live in Oklahoma. And then the two of us (one from Atlanta and one from OK) could hop over to Mississippi and meet up with a gal that lives in the Mississippi Delta because, via cyberspace, I have found so many interesting women that seem to have similar interests, but they live so far away! And one more thing that comes to mind is ... how common this friendship issue is. No, I wasn't alone, but now realizing that so many women struggle with this makes me sad. I do hope that as Queen Power grows, we can play a role in helping women connect in their geographical location.

Yep, friends ... you gotta have them!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Friends Topic Will NOT Go Away

Queen Me shares . . .

Well, you just got to have friends. Today I'm going to refer you to our Queen Power forums. There is a really interesting thread running over there about the need for friends and how difficult it is for women to form close relationships in their middle years.

Queen Power

Monday, May 09, 2005

Good Opinion of Others

Queen Me shares . . .

Every now and then I pick up Marianne Williamson’s new book The Gift of Change. And I always find something inspirational to share. Here’s what she had to say about the opinions of others:

Other people can think what they want to think about you, but it’s only your own perceptions, not the projections of others, that program your future. It’s when we agree with other people’s projections that we get into trouble—when we give the ego power and align with its judgments.

In Grab the Queen Power, I quote Wayne Dyer. Wayne tells us: “You’ll find no shortage of opinions directed at you. If you allow them to undermine your self-respect, you’re seeking the respect of others over your own, then you’re abdicating (handing over) yourself.” Something else Dr. Dyer shared in his book The Power of Intention clearly makes the point. “Your reputation is not located in you. It resides in the minds of others.” He goes on to tell us that we have no control over the mind of someone else. What they think is what they think. Dr. Dyer explains further, “Leave your reputation for others to debate; it has nothing to do with you.”

Oh, I really want to believe this. Every part of my being wants to be tough. Stand firm. And as I write this, I will claim that the next time I have a ‘bad’ opinion or judgment pointing at me, I will ignore it. I will “leave it for someone else to debate.” Can I be strong this time? That is my plan. And of course, now that I’ve made the declaration, you know what must happen next! Yes, I am guessing the challenge will arrive sooner than I would like. Oh my. I guess before too long, I will know how I handled the criticism or external opinion. Wish me luck! And for good measure, I’m sending a little Queen Power your way.

Note to self: Part of grabbing the Queen Power is relying on my internal opinion. Is that as easy as it sounds?