Monday, May 09, 2005

Good Opinion of Others

Queen Me shares . . .

Every now and then I pick up Marianne Williamson’s new book The Gift of Change. And I always find something inspirational to share. Here’s what she had to say about the opinions of others:

Other people can think what they want to think about you, but it’s only your own perceptions, not the projections of others, that program your future. It’s when we agree with other people’s projections that we get into trouble—when we give the ego power and align with its judgments.

In Grab the Queen Power, I quote Wayne Dyer. Wayne tells us: “You’ll find no shortage of opinions directed at you. If you allow them to undermine your self-respect, you’re seeking the respect of others over your own, then you’re abdicating (handing over) yourself.” Something else Dr. Dyer shared in his book The Power of Intention clearly makes the point. “Your reputation is not located in you. It resides in the minds of others.” He goes on to tell us that we have no control over the mind of someone else. What they think is what they think. Dr. Dyer explains further, “Leave your reputation for others to debate; it has nothing to do with you.”

Oh, I really want to believe this. Every part of my being wants to be tough. Stand firm. And as I write this, I will claim that the next time I have a ‘bad’ opinion or judgment pointing at me, I will ignore it. I will “leave it for someone else to debate.” Can I be strong this time? That is my plan. And of course, now that I’ve made the declaration, you know what must happen next! Yes, I am guessing the challenge will arrive sooner than I would like. Oh my. I guess before too long, I will know how I handled the criticism or external opinion. Wish me luck! And for good measure, I’m sending a little Queen Power your way.

Note to self: Part of grabbing the Queen Power is relying on my internal opinion. Is that as easy as it sounds?