Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Funk Stops Here!

Queen Me shares ...

Okay, here's the deal. I've been in a funk lately. Not sure what's going on ... but, something is in the air. First, I had to say goodbye to some friends. Ouch. Whine. Boo hoo. Next, I had to handle another situation (work related) that made me whine and moan some more.

Then, I'm sitting here wondering what to do next. It's interesting. And even though I'm not too keen on sharing this ... well, I'm going to anyway.

For four years I've been writing this book. Four years! And, then suddenly the book is gone. Bye, bye. Remember the zap. Well after the zap, I experienced a little snap, crackle and pop. But now I'm simply trying to figure out what to do next.

I know what I'm going to do. So, saying "trying to figure out" isn't exactly on target. It's a matter of re-focusing. Creating a plan. Focusing on the plan and then you know, taking action.

I was hoping the Queen-zine article I wrote for this week's Queen-zine would be my ticket to "getting there", but then I realized it wasn't time yet to write the "focus" article. That topic is actually scheduled for next week. Heck, the timing of the column is really a good thing—especially for the reader. Surely, it's better to write about focus once I'm back in focus. Ha!

Today, I gave myself permission to take more time off. But before doing that I had to wrestle with myself. "You don't have time." "Are you crazy?" "Only self indulgent or depressed people would think about crawling back into bed." But the voice of reason won ... my heart (oh yes, My Good Witch Glinda). Turned out it was only half a day because I had some telephone interviews scheduled. But still that time allowed me to regroup. No, what it really did was allowed me to rest. I intentionally kept my mind away from "work". Previously, I told you that my work is play. Well ... in most cases that is true. But this week my "work" has felt like work. And, that's what I am going to figure out, process and then write about next week or maybe the next.

Okay, so there is some good news. It's so nice to have a purpose:).

As I come to grips with myself this week ... maybe my "grips" will help you later.

Have a wonderful week. And may the Queen Power force be with you.