Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Queen Teams!

Queen Me shares . . .

Queen Team! Do you have one? I do! I actually had one in the late “90’s” before I knew what to call it. Always a loner, I never really sought people out. Oh, typically, my friends were gathered from work or from my husband’s job. Not having friends made life simple. I didn’t have to worry about others infringing on my time or asking me to participate in meaningless activities. Ah, yes . . . there were perks to be lonely. Well, that’s what I continually told myself.

By the time we returned to Texas in 1997, I was seeking something more. Probably after reading a book, I came up with the idea to start a lunch club. Mustering all the courage I could, I called the only “friend” I knew and pitched the idea. Success! She was interested. After agreeing I said, “Here’s the catch. I don’t know anyone else. You’ll have to recruit the other people.”

Being a natural social butterfly this created no problem for my old friend. Within a week, we had our first luncheon and four of us were in attendance. I had big ideas and visions of having fifteen or more in the group and was ready to discuss the expansion. My dear old friend had other plans. “Let’s keep it small—just the four of us.” The others agreed. And, so our small, intimate group of women friends was born.

Looking back, I realized that we created a safe, cozy place to share fun, sadness, laughter and tears. For about two years, we experienced our highs and lows together. We started with lunch and ventured into girls’ weekend trips and New Year’s Eve parties with spouses.

No matter, the group without meaning or purpose opened my heart.

Now, when I think about “Allyn The Loner”, I’m very sad. I missed so much by pushing others away. I also realize that minus all those others, my journey was much longer. I could never go back to that way of being.

Now in a new geographical location, I have a new Queen Team. I have my expanded team of about twenty as well as an intimate group of four. We weekly play tennis and monthly wine and dine. We have no purpose but fun—we laugh, squeal, giggle and scream. If I forget to wear waterproof mascara, I usually regret it.

Today, we celebrated one of the Queens birthdays. For fun, I brought tiaras for everyone! We wore our tiaras while we ate lunch. Those that know me personally know that this probably wasn’t the most comfortable thing for me to do. But, after awhile it didn’t matter. The tiara felt most appropriate! Besides adding to our fun for the day, our simple act intrigued others. Complete strangers approached us. Greeted us warmly. Smiled at us. Offered to take our picture. Of course, most wanted to know why we were wearing tiaras? We happily explained our status. “We’re queens!” Some wanted to know more, but most were satisfied with that.

No matter, the day without meaning or purpose opened my heart.
