Monday, November 22, 2004

So, Now I Know

Queen Me shares . . .
For inspiration today, I returned to old editions of the Queen-zine. I found and wanted to share this one.
Here's a message from Angel Queen.

A chain letter arrived in my e-mail box the other day reminding me of St. Teresa's wonderful prayer. I wanted to share the message because to me it's the overall intent of the Queen Power vision and website. It's rather simply, really . . .

Your purpose in life is all about finding peace, joy and freedom while not forgetting to dance and sing along the way. Enjoy.

St. Teresa's Prayer:

May today there be peace within.
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into our bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of you.
Queen Me wraps up . . .

Margaret's interest in St. Teresa caused me to do a little research. I found a fascinating tale of a woman, Teresa of A´vila (1518 - 1582), who faced many obstacles as she made her journey.

The very same day that Margaret forwarded me the information about St. Teresa, I returned to reading Invisible Acts of Power: Personal Choices That Create Miracles by Carolyn Myss. And, you'll never guess who she talked about? In a wrap up statement based on her presentation of St. Teresa's body of work, Myss said, "We need to accept ourselves, our own power, our need to develop our own power and our responsibility to use our power and intuitive guidance in service to others and to the divine."

Borrowing from the title of Myss' book, yes it's all about personal choices and how those choices create miracles in our lives as well as the lives of others. Together, while embracing the Queen Power, we can climb mountains until we finally reach the top. Then, when we finally make it, we can reach back down and pull up others. Don't you see? We all have a rightful place at the top and after we make it, then it's our purpose to help those trailing just a little bit behind.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. George Bernard Shaw


When asked “What do you fear my lady?” A female character in the movie portrayal of the Lord of the Rings: The Twin Towers answered, “A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them, and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire.”
Enjoy or endure your holiday celebration. Be safe:). And whatever you do, be sure to take a little Queen Power with you.