Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Someone Asks Us to Be Real!

Queen Me shares . . .

One of our subscribers e-mailed me privately and made an interesting observation. Here's what she said, "I'm hungry for a bit of in depth discussion, but forums lend themselves to brief, pat-on-the-top-of-the-head replies. I feel as if a 'real' conversation is out of place."

She graciously agreed that I could share her thoughts in the blog with the hopes of encouraging all of us (including me) to "get real." So, here's my pledge! I'm going to be "real." Now, of course, my blogging activities have put me out there more than I have ever ventured in the past. When I first started, my fears and concerns clouded my joy. But, with each word expressed, it's definitely gotten easier. So, now when I reply or add a new post, I will make every effort to be as real as I can be in the moment. Some days I'll respond from the surface and some days I'll dive in deep, but I do promise to respond in the way that feels right to me at the moment.

Okay, queens let's dive in. Here's to creating a meaningful gathering spot to share.