Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Heart Messages

Queen Me thinks out loud . . .

Did you know that from 1989 to 2000, I was a lost puppy? That’s a long time to flounder, and flounder I did. There were times in this period that I felt lazy, unproductive, and useless. And, I’m being kind. Really! For example, I found it difficult to secure jobs that matched my abilities and experience level. We moved often. So, I practiced at it many, many times. This constant struggle took me to all-time lows. I remember at one point reaching out to temp agencies without any success. Following that, I was so convinced of my worthlessness . . . I mean, I didn’t even fit at a temp place! Eventually, I would find a job to endure for however long my husband stayed in one place. Sometimes, I changed positions on my own. Actually, I didn’t land softly until I found the non-profit world. But, that’s an entirely different story.

Did I have regrets, I would have to scream: “Yes! Yes! Yes!” And, I did. I wasted so much energy, but I didn’t know how to make changes. I clung to the past, while dreaming about things that were so far away I couldn’t see them clearly. Fear wrapped itself around me and kept me from moving forward.

Each time I found myself at the starting gate, I cowered back. Wouldn’t it be just like the other times I tried to step out? Why would this time be different? It was a long, slow march to myself and one with many false turns and missteps. As a matter of fact, I’m still marching. But, how did I reach this new place? In hindsight, it’s quite simple, actually. I got there with a little help from my friends. Friends I’ve met on-line, in forums, at the tennis courts, in my neighborhood and at work. Friends that I’ll never meet face-to-face, and others that live nearby. Friends that will hug me, laugh with me and celebrate my successes. That’s how I turned the tide. That’s how I finally found the place I was always meant to be. When I finally reached out to others, that’s when I started hearing the voice from within (you know, my heart).

Here's a wonderful quote from Prill Boyle's new book, Defying Gravity: A Celebration of Late-Blooming Women. Prill is referring to the 12 late bloomers she interviewed for her project.

"Listening to their hearts turned out to be, in the long run, the most unselfish thing these women had ever done. They might not have made dinner for their families every night, but they inspired their children and the people around them. Without exception, they are now using their talents to help others. In the process of blossoming, in other words, these women have connected more powerfully than ever before with the human community."
