Sunday, October 24, 2004

Yikes! The Scales Go Higher and Higher and Higher

Queen Me shares intimate details . . .

I absolutely hate the scale. It seems I've been struggling to find my perfect weight since 8th grade. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that's a really long time. Truth be told, I refuse to weigh anymore. So, what does that tell you? Although, never considered overweight in my early years, I now carry about an extra 15 pounds (okay, it's more like 20) since giving birth to my only child. And, that was 7 1/2 years ago. Please! I do manage to lose weight every now and then (that's where the idea of 15 pounds comes in, I think), but I never seem to be consistent and I can't stick with a "diet" for long.

Exercise is the only thing that keeps me in check now. But, I don't even want to talk about that. Right now, my thoughts about weight rules supreme and it really bothers me that I fret so much over it. One day, I'll figure it out or either I'll simply not care anymore. Either way, I'll let you know how it all turns out.

Before departing and ultimately wrestling with myself over what's for dinner, I'll include something I wrote a while back that I thought you might enjoy.

~A Message from a Sweet Potato Queen

Please note: Although a queen by virtue of her association with the Sweet Potato Queens, Carol Puckett Daily, is not associated with Queen Power’s team of Queens (you know, us).

While visiting my mother-in-law this weekend, I read an interesting interview in the Delta Magazine ( The founder and owner of the Everyday Gourmet in Jackson, Mississippi, Carol Daily, answered questions about being a Sweet Potato Queen. I loved the message and wanted to share with you.

According to Carol, “Jill Connor Brownie invited me to be a Sweet Potato Queen the very same year I was president of the Junior League in the 80’s. Most people, especially my mother, would not see the two roles as being compatible. I realized that being president of women’s organization was a real honor, but it was a one-year gig, whereas being a Queen was a lifetime appointment. For me, the best thing is the majorette boots.”

For those of you not familiar with the Sweet Potato Queens, check out the website:
The fun, crazy and sometimes “over-the-top” and “a-little- vulgar” Sweet Potato Queens have an outfit that includes majorette boots, thus Carol’s reference to the boots.

Carol continues, “When we first got them, I wore them for weeks—with business suits, skirts, dresses—whatever. In high school, I was never a majorette or cheerleader: I was the literary type. The boots are a symbol of how I believe we should embrace life. We don’t have to go through life recounting our deficits or being in therapy. Just buy your own boots and get out there and have your own parade.”

I like the way that Queen talks;).